Over the last 2 years I’ve received over 350 blog ideas to be a part of the BDN Maine blog network. On average, we accept about 30 percent of the pitches that we receive. Want to know what goes into writing a great pitch? Read on.
1. You know who your primary audience is.
You might think it’s good to be general and try to reach the widest possible audience. It isn’t, and actually, it’s going to your idea seemed watered-down and your job writing a lot harder.
Take this blog, for example. My primary audience is anyone who has ever considered writing a blog for a Maine audience. My primary audience is people who have considered writing for the BDN, and my secondary audience is people who enjoy reading blogs, even if they don’t want to write one right now.
To write for everyone in Maine would be hard to do because my voice would be so non specific it wouldn’t speak to anyone.
2. You have at least 3 great ideas for future posts.
I want to know you can sustain your idea past your initial bust of enthusiasm.
3. You’re not afraid to let your passion show through.
No-one wants to read a boring blog. Your passion makes you special.
4. You write with proper grammar and capitalization.
5. Your idea connects with a audience that’s interested in Maine.
That’s the common theme that unites everyone on this network together. And that’s what the audience we can deliver to you comes to read about.
6. You can talk about your prior experiences writing for the public.
You don’t have to be a journalist, but you should be comfortable with the idea that strangers will read and respond to your words. Most of the time this is awesome and exhilarating, but sometimes, criticism stinks.
7. Your idea is unique.
What makes you you? What can you say to the people from number one with the passion from number three better than anyone else? That no-one else is saying? Do that.
Have what it takes to join the group? Pitch me.