Each week on Maine on the Blogs we talk about different strategies to get bloggers to produce high quality material and to get that work promoted in the best possible way. This week we are focusing on Pinterest!
Part of the magic of blogging for the Maine blogging network is that there are so many different kinds of voices who can represent the great Maine landscape. Each week on Maine on the Blogs we talk about different strategies to get bloggers to produce high quality material and to get that work promoted in the best possible way. This week we are focusing on Pinterest!
Since many bloggers are new to using Pinterest to drive traffic to their blogs we are going to go over some of the basics to help you get started.
What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a free website that allows its registered users to curate images and media, called pins, into categories, called boards. This is like a virtual form of an inspiration board or scrapbook where one can save details and ideas for larger projects or to keep creative things meant to inspire.
When you create a Pinterest account you can set up boards and assign them themes so to be searchable. By doing this you can assure that when someone searches for “micro brewery” or “Maine vacation rentals” or “funny mom bloggers” that your “pins” will pop up in their Pinterest search, and should they follow your boards, your pins will appear in their feeds. This is a great opportunity to get your blog posts shared and drive some traffic back to your blog.
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Pinterest started out as a popular way to share recipes, clothing, and design, but has grown to include video and media content, articles, and blog posts. More and more businesses and professional bloggers are using this free service to boost their audience and with impressive results. As long as you follow some basic rules for successful pinning then you will see new readers clicking their way to your blog in no time!
Create A Board For Your Blog
The first step in getting traffic to your blog through Pinterest is to create a board specifically for your blog. The smartest bet is to name your board the same thing as what your blog is named. So Maine on the Blog would ideally have a board called “Maine on the Blog”. This is where you will pin all of your blog posts.
Do not pin blog posts from other blogs on this board since that will look cluttered and create some confusion for readers trying to find you on Pinterest or for Pinterest users trying to figure out who you are and what you blog is all about.
You can create as many boards as you wish!
Create Snappy Pins
The whole point of Pinterest is to get your pins shared. This site is a sharing site after all, which lends itself perfectly to blog promotion. Make sure that when you create pins from your blog posts that you include the following information:
- A quote or short and clear description of the blog post
- Eye-catching images that is 736 pixels wide and 1128 pixels high. As long as the image is 736 pixels wide the height will scale accordingly.
- A link that directs back to your blog
- Your name!
Stick Around And Make Your Mark
The best way to reap the rewards of Pinterest is to pin as often as you can. When you publish a blog post be sure to make a pin of it. And while you are in Pinterest getting your blog post pinned you can be sure to pin other things you find popping up in your news feed. Since Pinterest is a social media site a central tenet of its function is to be social, which means sharing not just your work but that of others as well. Have fun with it! Pin as much as you want.
Create a “Pin It” Button
Recently WordPress created a simple way for bloggers to make their posts Pinterest friendly by creating a Pin It button, which is an easily installed widget that allows readers to add your blog content to their Pinterest boards. For easy to follow instruction check out the WordPress directions here.
While there are lots of social media platforms out there for you to choose from to boost your readership and promote your work there is no rule that says as a successful blogger that you have to use them all. Pinterest is a fluid and easy to use platform that is blogger friendly and fun to use. Give it it try! You might find that you like it.
Do you use PInterest? We want to know! Leave us your best tips and advice in the comments in below. Make sure you come and find us on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter!