I hope you have a fantastic week of blogging ahead of you. Before you dive into your next blog post, though, consider the tips in this newsletter for tweaking your blog so that your posts will get as many page views as possible. Growing an audience doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore if you implement a few simple strategies that can work for you.
Feeling curious and inspired yet? Great! Let’s get started.
3 ways to boost your page views
The best possible way to increase your page views is to give your readers a reason to click around your blog. How can you do this? Well, we have three easy to implement suggestions:
Link to yourself
When you create a blog post make sure that you find at least two different words or sentences that you can link to other posts you’ve written. This will encourage your readers to explore more of your blog and by doing so will boost your page views.
Create a Most Popular Posts section in your sidebar
You’ll have to create a badge (don’t worry, the next section will show you how to do this) and upload it into your sidebar using the text widget. Once you do, you can create a series (no more than three or you’ll create a headache for the reader’s load time) of badges that are actually links o your most popular blog posts. This is just one more way to keep your readers exploring your blog and reading your great work.
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Post once a week
Bloggers who post consistently will draw the most readers. This is because your content is always fresh and popping up into view for your readers so why not take advantage of that?
Fabulous blog resources you should know about
This is a fantastic instructional post on how to create a blog badge using PicMonkey.
And this is a fantastic YouTube tutorial on how to use PicMonkey, which is similar to Canva.
We’re looking for some new voices to add to our BDN blog network! If you know someone who has a passion or expertise on a topic that is specific to Maine then I want to know about them! You can share this link to the new pitch form or drop me a line in the Facebook group or email.
Happy blogging!